Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Winter News / 2013 / May-Sept

Dear Friends and Family,

My greetings to each of you!  Here's a catch-up on my activities these past few months. Must be my age or my busy schedule but  a month passes as if it were a week! Time just melts together...... 

Ninety-two and Counting.  This has been a big year in my Mother's life. At 92 years old + 2 days she retired as a cashier at WalMart. Lots of parties and celebration in her honor. She is adjusting to having more time for activities. Visiting friends and family.

Let's Start Talking 2013. I'm about to wrap up this years activities at this writing. We've had 3 groups come to help this year. In May-June, Judy Stewart and son, Caleb from Kansas came for 3 weeks. In July, the Arnold sisters, Mary Beth and Caroline returned for a third time. Then the last of August, my dear friends and long-time LST workers,Mary Stephens and Vicki Grubbs, came to help me out for 7 weeks. Evaristo and Hermelinda, who live with me in the campo went to Paraguay to visit family. I had to stay home to take care of the chickens, etc., etc.! They came to keep LST going...... It's been a busy year. A good year! My thanks to each of you who have come to help share the Word of God through English!
Larry and Kathy Musick. It's not too often I get family visits in Cordoba. Larry and Kathy (Mitchell) Musick were in Buenos Aires visiting their daughter, Ashley. Ashley has worked with the Caballito church this past year. I was blessed that they could squeeze in a short visit to the campo. Next time, I hope to show them off in Cordoba city to the church! :)
Happenings on the Mountain. Life on the mountain can get a little crazy. As some of you know, we've just come through a huge fire not far from my house. I'm SO grateful for all the prayers and concern for my safety. Thanks to God's grace and power we were spared on my side of the main highway. Others, towards the higher mountains, lost homes and alot of livestock. No lives were lost! God in His power caused the winds to cease after two very windy, hot days. Fires were brought under control. Then a light rain fell followed by 8 hours of snow. BUT if that wasn't enough, that same week around 10:30 p.m. Wednesday we had a 4.7 earthquake. The epicenter was just over the hill from me! As my dear friend, Marilyn McBroom McKnight said, "It was a Shake 'n Bake week!" All is calm again. Now we wait for the Spring rains to arrive....
Something of Interest. We've all read the book many times "Green Eggs and Ham". Green eggs do exist! Lara Cerutti helped me take the following picture showing a green egg. Also I've captured a pic of the sweet hen who gives me one every couple of days! :)
For ALL the ways in which you support me and the church in Cordoba, Argentina---Thank You! Don't forget to look at Hugo's blog which can be translated into English. He puts out a very interesting/visual report: www.family-fuente.blogspot.com Love and blessings, Jacquie